Registration Now Open For 2022 Watershed Congress In Montgomery County Oct. 22
Registration is now open for the 2022 Watershed Congress to be held in-person and online at the Montgomery County Community College campus in Pottstown on October 22. The Watershed Congress is an annual event that seeks to advance the best available information and techniques for protecting and restoring watersheds. The focus on networking across disciplines means that the Watershed Congress melds science, policy, and practical applications into one program. As a result, the annual Watershed Congress is a highly anticipated event for people interested in understanding, protecting, and restoring their local streams. Join the Congress as environmental leaders in the Southeast region present and in depth look at the promise of the federal Clean Water Act, the effectiveness of its implementation to date, what it has meant for our communities, and the future of ongoing efforts and advocacy to secure truly fishable and swimmable waters. To register and for more information, visit the 2...