
Showing posts from November, 2023

Faithful Climate Justice Voter Reflection Guide Now Available From PA Interfaith Power & Light

PA Interfaith Power & Light is making available the Faithful Voter Climate Justice Reflection Guide to help promote discussion of Climate Justice issues from a moral and ethical perspective ahead of the November 8 election. "As people of faith and conscience across the country, we believe elections are a referendum on the values that will shape our future.  -- How can we renew our fragile democracy?  -- How do we honor the human dignity of every person?  -- Will we protect God’s Creation, our Sacred Earth, and our children’s future?  -- What policies will prioritize the common good and confront future crises that remind us of our interdependence?  “Many of the defining moral issues of our time are on the ballot: faltering democratic institutions, too much wealth in the hands of a few, damage to the climate, cruel immigration policies that tear families apart, mass incarceration that devastates communities of color, senseless gun violence, and threats to gl...

Guest Essay: Why I'm Concerned About Climate Change

By Dr. Phil Covert, Evangelical Environmental Network Ever since I was a little boy, I have greatly enjoyed nature: from visiting the Jersey Shore, to fishing with my dad, to hiking the New Hampshire mountains with my uncle.  As I have grown older, I’ve had opportunities to travel to various countries around the world and see a multitude of seas, oceans, mountains, prairies, waterfalls, rivers, streams, and wildlife. Recently, my wife and I visited Glacier National Park in Montana. The glaciers here are all rapidly melting and will disappear within the next five years due to climate change.  Pine trees are ladened with mosses that are killing them, leaving vast forests of stick figure trees standing among the new growth emerging underneath.  Other pine trees have also been dying due to the pine bore beetle that is responsible for thousands of dead trees throughout the west.  This, too, is a result of warmer winter temperatures not killing off the beetles, as would ha...

Friday PA Environment & Energy NewsClips 10.14.22

Are You Telling Your Story? Senate returns to session October 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, November 15 [Adjourn for year]      -- Committee Schedule House returns to session October 24, 25, 26, November 14, 15, 16 [Adjourn for year]      -- Committee Schedule TODAY’s Calendar Of Events     TODAY 9:00: Senate Environmental Resources & Energy and Labor & Industry Committees joint hearing on importance of PA’s waterways to energy and economic development.  Allegheny County Courthouse, Gold Room, 4th Floor, 436 Grant St., Pittsburgh.  Click Here to watch live and more information   TODAY 1:30: DEP And Local Officials Kick Of 2022-23 Local Climate Action Program .  Wormleysburg, Cumberland County.   -- DEP: Shell, Pipeline Contractor Assessed $670,000 Penalty For Falcon Ethane Pipeline Construction Violations In Allegheny, Beaver, Washington Counties   [PaEN]   -- StateImpactPA - Reid Frazi...

Penn State Extension Hosts 9-Part Woods In Your Backyard Webinar Series Starting Jan. 11

Penn State Extension is hosting a nine-part Woods In Your Backyard webinar series starting January 11 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. each day. Explore planning and implementing simple stewardship practices on your lot to create and enhance natural areas and make a positive impact on the environment during this series. The vast majority of landowners have small woodlots less than 10 acres in size. Woods in Your Backyard Series is designed specifically, but not exclusively, for smaller landscapes.  Join us to learn how landowners can positively influence the environment by implementing simple stewardship practices. The manual used for this workshop, The Woods in Your Backyard: Learning to Create and Enhance Natural Areas Around Your Home , is a self-directed book. It will guide participants through the process of developing and implementing projects to enhance their land's natural resources. Each participant will receive a full color, 108-page copy of The Woods in Your Backyard manual (a $...