NO SPECIAL PROTECTION: The Exceptional Value Loyalsock Creek In Lycoming County Is Dammed And Damned
Video Dispatch From The Loyalsock : Water Withdrawal Point Construction October 13, 2022, another muddy sediment plume. By Barb Jarmoska, Keep It Wild PA The Loyalsock Creek, Pennsylvania’s River of the Year in 2018, is a beautiful mountain stream that travels through Lycoming County on its way to the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. Designated an “Exceptional Value” waterway by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the Loyalsock provides solace, joy, adventure and a connection to the natural world to thousands of anglers, kayakers, inner-tubers, swimmers, bird watchers, photographers and sightseers. Older generations regale with stories of summers spent at Best Beach, while water-loving folks of all ages extol the virtues of World’s End, the Haystacks, Hidden Valley and all the beloved places along the ‘Sock. Water that dances and glimmers and sustains the lives of fish, amphibians, birds and wildlife is freely offered to all....