Penn State Master Watershed Steward Volunteers Lead Stream Assessment In Allegheny County
Have you noticed a ping pong ball or rubber duck floating along a stream in one of Allegheny County's parks recently? No need to worry. The items likely are not trash, but part of a three-year stream assessment by Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward volunteers. These objects can help calculate the streamflow and provide useful data about the health of a stream. Three Master Watershed Stewards from Allegheny County — Laurie Maglietta, Stephanie Rakowski, and Lauren Terpak — are team leaders for the stream assessment in the county’s nine regional parks. "They've demonstrated remarkable professionalism, leadership, and dedication in their work on this extended project," said Mary Wilson, Master Watershed Steward coordinator in Allegheny County. The task arose when members of the Allegheny County government contacted Wilson, looking for help with stream assessment in the county parks. Wilson saw the opportunity for Master Watershed Stewards to assist. The proj...